Does CBD show up on drug tests dot

Does CBD show up on drug tests dot

CBD stands for Cannabidiol, is a chemical found in Cannabis plants, and used for different purposes. CBD is used for the elevation of some daily issues and stresses and to get high.

At the workplace, employees often face the problem of drug detection tests, they use CBD products and get positive tests. The reason is the trace amounts of THC in CBD that are present in almost less amount but can be detected through workplace drug tests.

The question Does CBD show up on drug tests dot? is often asked, this article is about CBD and its detection. The study also is extended to the time interval to detect THC through different tests.

What is CBD?

CBD, Cannabidiol is a chemical found in Cannabis plants and used for different purposes. It is a psychoactive chemical and is widely used for addiction.

It is not that effective for addiction but another compound used in CBD is addictive. Do CBD isolates show up on drug tests? No, it is not detected itself.

However, the compound responsible for detection is Tetrahydrocannabinol, in short TTH, it is often detected in the urine, blood, hair, and saliva through different tests.

This study is about all the related details of CBD, THC presence, the products containing THC, and different tests conducted to detect THC.

What is CBD Used for?

The question is often asked and widely searched what are the uses of CBD? Pure CBD is used for numerous purposes, it gets you high and it is its prominent use.

Other uses of CBD include; the regulation of disturbed patterns of sleep, relieving pain and appetite loss, controlling seizures, and elevating daily life problems.

does-cbd-show-up-on-drug-tests-dotCBD usage be effective for the treatment of anxiety, insomnia, pain, and other health problems. It is still under research and scientists are trying to figure out its other use in medicines.

The common usage of CBD is not medicinal but is widely used for psychological effects.

Will CBD Show Up on a Drug Testing?

The question is often asked in interchangeable words whether CBD traces show up on tests or not and many more. The answer cannot be negative as well as crystal clear positive, it varies from situation to situation.

To answer this question precisely it can be added that whether there is the THC presence or not. 

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CBD is not detected itself but the compound is Tetrahydrocannabinol, in short TTH, it is often detected in the urine, blood, hair, and saliva through different tests.

THC is often filtered out from CBD but some contamination of THC gives positive drug testing results.

CBD Oil in the Households

CBD oil is also extracted from the same plant that is used for the manufacturing process and extraction of CBD, that is hemp or cannabis plants. The oil is extracted and then mixed with the hemp seed or coconut oil to make it diluted and usable for households.

Where can you get the CBD oil? It can be available at markets, supermarkets, and pharmacies. Unknowingly, it is also present in our household products like shampoo, bath salt, cream, cosmetics, and dietary supplements. Some food and drinks also contain CBD oil.

To ensure how much CBD oil is present in food and drinks, check out the labeled ingredients. If the products are approved by FDA then you can easily determine the amount of CBD oil present in CBD oil products.

CBD products sold online have higher chances of THC presence, it would be better to visit the stores and see the ingredients or ask the purchasers about the THC amounts present in the products. It may be very harmful for lactating women to consume CBD oil products.

As per research; there are various obvious and fatal outcomes not only for the lactating women but for the child as well. The infant baby or the fetus may easily get traces of THC, CBD, and other drugs through the placenta.

Some women do not take Cannabis but still CBD and THC are detected in their blood. It may take place due to the of oil containing CBD which is unknowingly used by them. So, it would be better to observe well the products before buying.

Does CBD Oil Show Up on a Drug Screening?

The answer if the question is simple, if CBD oil is present in household products and is used on the body it will not be detected through drug testing.

does-cbd-show-up-on-drug-tests-dotIf the case is not so, means if the CBD oil is consumed in food and drinks then there are chances and possibilities that it will be detected through the test.

CBD oil contains the deviators of hemp derived CBD and also some trace amounts of THC, that’s why it is easily detected in the blood, hair sample, urine, or saliva.

THC, not CBD, is responsible for detection on drug tests, observe well the CBD oil products and drop those containing THC.

CBD Vs. THC: What's the Difference?

There is a very prominent difference that is enough for our study, THC gets you high or dizzy while CBD has no such effects. They are the same on one ground, both are derived from Cannabinoids.

THC has psychoactive effects and after going into the tracts of humans it gets mixed with other chemicals and triggers the nervous system and particularly the brain to release hormones.

You must be aware that a CBD drug test containing 50 nanograms per milliliter of THC in urine is considered positive. The quantity present in the body depends on various factors like the quality of Cannabis, frequency of usage, metabolism of your body, and many others.

Types of CBD

There are some types of CBD, and understanding them is very necessary. The types of CBD are classified based on THC present and the amount of contamination of THC.

Full Spectrum CBD

The first type of CBD is full spectrum CBD, as its name indicates, it contains all the compounds. The compounds present in the full spectrum CBD include; topical creams, oil, edibles, and serums.

Full spectrum means that it includes all of the compounds that naturally occur in the plant CBD. Naturally, the compounds that are present in the plant from which CBD is extracted are flavonoids, terpenes, Cannabinoids, essential oils, and THC.

Full spectrum CBD oil is extracted from hemp derived CBD products and it is believed that it is from the marijuana subspecies. Does full spectrum CBD oil show up on drug screening? Yes, it is more likely to be detected.

CBD Isolate

The CBD isolate is another type, its name indicates that it is somehow an isolated product.

It is often available in the forms of oil and tincture but it can also be found in the form of small blocks or slabs that are broken into pieces and can be easily used.

does-cbd-show-up-on-drug-tests-dotIt is considered to be the purest form of CBD. Does CBD isolate show up on drug screenings? No, in its purest form, it cannot be detected.

The compounds normally found in the plant from which CBD is extracted, contain flavonoids, terpenes, Cannabinoids, essential oils, and THC.

All these are removed and isolated from the CBD. So there is no chance of the THC content in it and you can easily use it without the fear of drug detection.

Broad Spectrum CBD

The third type of CBD is broad spectrum, it is not common and is not available widely. It is in between the two discussed types, it has some compounds while lacking others.

It is commonly harvested from hemp plants and the trace amounts of THC are almost decreased to lower the chances of detection.

Types of Cannabis

There are various types of Cannabis depending on the functions and the effects they have on humans. Some of them are purely used for uplifting while others are considered for therapeutic effects.


Cannabis Sativa

The prominent among all the types is Cannabis Sativa. It is found in the Cannabis plants and is extracted through various extraction processes or extraction methods.

Cannabis Sativa is majorly known for its uplifting and therapeutic potential. It is also used for energizing effects on the body and mind.

The Cannabis Sativa plant is relatively taller than others and thinner, its leaves are narrower than Indica strains. With the help of its structure, it is distinguishable from other types of Cannabis.

The therapeutic functions of this plant include relaxing and energizing the neurological system. As THC is present in it, it is good for anxiety and stress related problems.

The THC and CBD present in this plant interact with the body’s Endocannabinoid system and perform therapeutic functions.

Cannabis Indica

Another type of Cannabis compound is Cannabis Indica, it is also a primary species of Cannabis plant that is famous for calming and relaxing effects on the mind and body. It can be distinguished from Cannabis Sativa with its plant structure.

Cannabis Indica plant is bushier and shorter having broad leaves. It elevates numerous medical conditions related to the neurological system. The functions of this plant also include relaxing effects on the mind, soothing the body, uplifting, and getting high.

It is good for changing moods and controlling emotions, with the help of this plant you can get higher, forget the stress, and get a relaxing effect. It works in the neurological system, with the help of THC and CBD, the Endocannabinoid system of the body acts differently.

Cannabis Ruderalis

The less common among the types of Cannabis is Cannabis Ruderalis. Is grows in the harsh climate regions and can be found in Russia and Eastern Europe. The specialty of this plant is its auto flower, it does not need a specific light for flowering.

As compared to other types of Cannabis, the presence of THC and CBD in this variant of Cannabis is low. Due to this lower level of THC and CBD, it is not widely used for psychological effects but rather used for medicinal purposes.

Hybrid Strains

It is actually a plant but rather a crossbreed of different varieties of Cannabis. Hybrid Strains have both the qualities of Cannabis Sativa and Indica plants.

Hybrid Strains are cultivated to get the unique combinations of Cannabis for psychological, neurological, and medicinal effects.

Getting the features of its primary plants, Hybrid Strains plant may get height, flowering times, leaf structure, and other features from the parental plants.

Hybrid Strains are further divided into three more categories; Sativa Dominant, Indica Dominant, and Balanced Hybrids.

Sativa Dominant: in this variant, the features of Cannabis Sativa are dominant and it is used for energizing and uplifting effects.

Indica Dominant: this variety is more likely to have the dominant characteristics of Indica, so it is used for inducing relaxation and sedation.

Balanced hybrids: this variant has the same attributes of both, and the characters of the parental plants are the same. In short, is the combination of both.

Different Types of Drug Tests

There is not only one urine test or only a blood test through which drugs are detected. The question of whether THC shows up on CBD drug tests, is dependent on the type of test. The major types of tests are given below;



Immunoassay is the most widely common type of drug testing in which a urine or blood samples of a patient is taken and tested in a laboratory for detection of THC, not CBD.

Dr. Johnson-Arbor explains,

“The immunoassay does not test for the presence of THC itself, and the test does not provide information about the degree of impairment or amount of THC to which an individual was exposed.”

This test is not very expensive and the results can be shown within few hours or a day.

Immunoassay test has some limitations and there are chances of false positives or false negatives, hence it is considered a presumptive test.

Confirmatory Testing

Another major type of drug testing is confirmatory testing, it is not common and is often conducted for forensic and workplace purposes. It uses the technology of mass spectrometry and is very expensive.

There are very less chances of false positive tests and false negative results. So this type of testing is much reliable and up to the mark.

It is considered the good standard for drug detection but its downside is the time it takes for testing and detecting.

Some Other Common Drug Tests

Some other common types of drug screenings are conducted in laboratories.


Blood Test

The common type of drug test is a blood test, a sample of blood is taken from patient and is taken to laboratories.

This test is not used for the workplace because it is not up to the mark, which means THC is eliminated from the bloodstream after some time and the results may be fake positive or fake negative.

THC is detected for up to 5 hours in blood. In blood, CBD shows up if it is taken before 4 or 5 hours. The detection time for CBD in blood is relatively less because the THC metabolites are absorbed from the blood.

Saliva Test

The saliva test is less common and there are very less chances of THC detection. It is widely used by the police on roadsides during night, drivers are tested for drugs through saliva.

THC can be detected for up to 72 hours in saliva, saliva can be cleared with mouthwash, citrus juice, and toffees, and through other chemicals.

Hair Test

This test is also done for drug detection, a hair sample is taken from the body and is tested in the laboratory for drug detection.

It is also not very common because of its procedure and the time it takes for results. The hair test detects THC traces for 90 days after its consumption.

Detection of CBD on Different Tests

CBD detection is done through various tests, some of them are conducted at worksites for employees while others are not limited to laboratories. Let’s discuss the interval of CBD’s presence in the body.


How Long is THC Detectable in Urine?

If we are focusing on urine tests, after use it can be shown up to almost three months in the urine tests, if you are a heavy user of Cannabis. Urine shows the THC metabolites of Cannabis for more time than saliva.

If you are a moderate user of Cannabis, then it will be detected for from 3 days to 10 days. The time interval of the length of time depends on the metabolism of your body, quality, and quantity of consumption, and frequency of use.

Does CBD Show up on Blood Tests?

In the blood tests, the time is relatively less because the compounds are removed in the blood after some time, so blood shows up the traces of CBD for up to 36 hours. So the length of time foe detection in blood is less than that of urine.

It also depends on the frequency and quantity of Cannabis consumption, if you’re a heavy user, then the traces are more likely to present in your blood. The blood test is conducted in the laboratory and it is not often used in the workplace.

Does CBD Show up on the Saliva Test?

The saliva test is also conducted through swabs, often in the companies and on the roadside during the night, this instant test is performed. CBD is shown in the saliva for up to 48 hours in the saliva drug test.

The saliva test for Cannabis detection is often carried out at the workplace because it is somehow instant and does not need any expertise and equipment. If you use mouthwash and other mouth-cleansing chemicals, you can pass the test easily.

CBD Users and Detection

It is also asked that what is the time of interval in the users who daily or often use CBD. In the occasional users of CBD, those who only get CBD from 2 to 3 times in a week, can be detected up to 3 days after its consumption.

If you are a moderate user and only use CBD from 4 to 5 times per week, it is detectable up to 5 to 7 days after its consumption.

In the daily users, also called frequent users, who use CBD on a daily basis, it will be detected up to 10 to 15 days after its intake.

The last one, those users who use CBD in much amounts, are called chronic users. The CBD will be detected in them for more than 30 days after its intake.

Amount of THC For a Positive Test

To understand the CBD show up on drug screenings, it is mandatory to know the amount of THC that will be considered for the positive test result of drugs. If you are using CBD without knowing the fact that it contains THC.

You must be aware that a CBD drug test containing 50 nanograms per milliliter of THC in urine is considered positive.

The quantity present in the body depends on various factors like the quality of Cannabis, frequency of usage, metabolism of your body, and many others.

Is it Safe to Take CBD While Breastfeeding?

No, it is not recommended for lactating women to take Cannabis. The use of THC, CBD, Marijuana, and other kind of drugs is strictly prohibited from women while breastfeeding. The case is the same for females expecting children, which means, pregnant women.

does-cbd-show-up-on-drug-tests-dotResearch has been done on this matter, there are various obvious and fatal outcomes not only for the lactating women but for the child as well. The infant baby or the fetus may easily get traces of THC, CBD, and other drugs through the placenta.

Some women do not take Cannabis but still CBD and THC are detected in their blood. It may take place due to the of oil containing CBD which is unknowingly used by them. So, it would be better to observe well the products before buying.

Reasons for Failing a CBD Drug Test

The obvious reason for failing a CBD drug test is the usage of Cannabis, THC, CBD, and other drugs that are either frequently used or often. It is understood that if you are a user of Cannabis, you are more likely to fail a drug test.

The other cases in which people tested positive and claimed that they had never used any drugs in their lives. There are some reasons which are why people fail a drug test, which include but not limited to eating popping seeds and cookies that contain marijuana.

Sometimes you use medicines of a friend, a family member or even your own that contain THC. Some oil also contains CBD which shows up on the drug test.

Avoid Failing a THC Drug Test

There are some strategies through which you can avoid positive THC drug tests and be on the safe side. After adopting these strategies.

The first trick is to stop using CBD products sold online, if you want to get negative results for urine drug tests, do not use CBD products for 1 month. If necessary, use CBD but check whether they are THC free or not.

Excuses for Failing CBD Test


The MRO didn’t Reach Out to Me

When drug tests are conducted, some of them result positive while other shows negative results. The law states that after the detection of any drug test, the Medical Review Officer will reach out to the individuals who tested positive.

Following the protocol, the MRO will ask the donor for proof of prescription, if the donor fails to provide any solid evidence, the test will be shown positive for THC.

If the donor has proof of prescription and provides it to the MRO, the test will be shown as negative.

I have a Prescription

If you know that your test is going to be negative and you may face unwanted situations, in advance, you can claim that I am going to be tested for the reason of taking something that contains CBD or THC.

You have to provide the prescription and the MRO will make sure that whether your prescription is valid or not. He will ask the concerned pharmacy for cross checking.

I used the Pills of a Family Member

If you fail to provide your prescription, then you can still make an excuse for using someone’s pills that contain CBD or THC.

By doing so, you will then provide the prescription of your family member or a friend who uses pills with a prescription. The game to downplay the results of Narcotics is a bit challenging but you should take care of the MRO’s suspicion on you.

In the extreme case, you can make the excuse that you were having a headache while you were with someone else and he/she gave you that pill.

I ate Poppy Seeds

Making the excuse of eating poppy seeds without knowing the fact it has THC or CBD. The unwashed poppy seeds may contain CBD and can be tested positive.

If your test is results in positive for THC, request the MRO that you have consumed the poppy seeds muffin.

You were unaware of the fact it has CBD or THC. Remember, unwashed poppy seeds are considered as Scheduled II substances and is illegal in the United States to buy, sell, or consume.

Eating a Cookie without realizing it had Marijuana

There is a story of some workers famous for unknowingly eating a cookie, the workers out of nowhere got a call from HR for an interview.

They were tested after the interview for drug usage and unfortunately, the results were positive. They claimed that they had never consumed drugs.

Then they got to know somehow that the funny cookie had marijuana and the drug test results were positive on account of that. You can also make an excuse of eating something that might contain marijuana derived CBD.

I take CBD Oil

You can also make the excuse of using CBD oil for some purpose and now your result is positive for THC drug test. CBD oil also contains a traceable amount of THC that can be detected in drug CBD tests.

After failing the drug CBD test, you can make the excuse of consuming the CBD oil that contained some traces of THC and now those are detected in the test. As proof, you can take the CBD oil with you if the MRO reaches out to you for a positive result.

Passive Intake of Marijuana

For a failed drug screen, you can also make the excuse of taking Marijuana use passively. Tell the officer that you are a consumer but last night or two or three days ago, you were at a party with friends and they were inhaling drugs.

Remember, it is just an excuse, it won’t work everywhere. If you are tested positive in a well-equipped laboratory, they can also detect the secondhand smoke with their standard drug tests.


Cannabidiol, in short CBD, is a chemical found in Cannabis plants and used for different purposes i.e. for the elevation of some daily issues, and stresses, and also to get high, regulation of disturbed patterns of sleep, relieving pain and appetite loss, etc.

It is CBD often show up on a drug test and detected through drug tests due to the presence of THC in CBD products. if you want to get negative results for urine drug screening, do not use CBD products for 1 month.

50 nanograms per milliliter of THC in urine is considered positive. The quantity present in the body depends on various factors like the quality of Cannabis, frequency of usage, metabolism of your body, and many others.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does Delta 8 show up on drug tests dot?

Yes, Delta 8 can also be shown up on drug tests, the traces of THC can be found. You must take into consideration some precautions before appearing for drug screening.

Is CBD legal for pilots?

No, CBD is not legal for pilots. However, it depends on federal law and states laws that vary widely. Aviation regulations and other authorities are against CBD for pilots.

How long does CBD stay in urine?

It can stay up to almost three months in the urine if you a heavy CD user. For moderate users, it will be detected for from 3 to 10 days.

How long does CBD stay in your system for a urine test?

For moderate users, it can stay from 3 to 10 days in urine. It can stay up to almost three months in the urine if you a heavy CD user.

Can you test positive for drugs if you take CBD?

Yes, you can test positive for drugs after taking CBD, if the consumed CBD products contain TCH in traceable amounts or marijuana.

Is CBD Legal in all states?

No, CBD is not legal in all states. CBD is itself not a scheduled II substance but CBD products contain THC which is a Scheduled I substance.

Charlotte Adele

Joyful blogger exploring the art of happiness and pleasure, unraveling the secrets to a blissful life through positivity and fulfillment.

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