How Long Does a Probation Officer Have to Violate you

How Long Does a Probation Officer Have to Violate you

If a person commits a minor criminal offense, the police officer will not arrest him/her but will keep you on probation and can ask the probationer anytime to show up for tests and other families.

In this regard, how long does a probation officer have to violate you; the question is frequently asked, which answer largely depends on several factors that include; the charges of violating probation, the severity of the crime, frequency of crimes, and many more factors.

The study extends to the specific procedures of charging the probationers for violating probation and how the charges and penalties will be made.

Understanding Probation Violation

Probation violation is the act of disobeying the court’s rule when you are on probation for an original crime. While committing an offense, the court orders you to follow the probation rules in order to get rid of the penalties.

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Types of Probation Violation

There are some types or situations of violated probation on the basis of which criminal charges should be made, if you perform one of the below acts, it will be considered an alleged probation violation.


Technical and Substantive Violations

There are two major types of violation; technical violations and substantive violations: -

Technical Violations

It is the violation occurred of one of the terms of your probation, it is not a new charge or offense but just challenging one of the terms of violation and substance abuse.

Substantive Violations

It is a type of probation violation that is charged with committing a new crime. If you are charged with DUI and still again arrested with the same or any other offense.

Do Probation Violations Have a Statute of Limitations?

There is an obvious rule; the more serious the crime, the harsher will be the penalties. People who commit small crimes like drug possession, petty theft, and many others, are not arrested in jail.

In addition to the small crimes, the offenders are then charged with probation. In the probation, they should show up to the court once a month or according to the court orders. So the statute limitations are to stay within limits.

how-long-does-a-probation-officer-have-to-violate-youThus, one should keep itself compliant with the terms and conditions ordered by the court or proposed by parole officers like paying court costs, etc. are a statute of limitations.

When are Probation Violations Least Likely to Lead to Jail?

As mentioned in the types of violation probation, if you commit a small crime, you are likely to bypass or lower the original jail sentence. The criminal case is harsh for the substantive violation.

If your new crime is big or like your prior crime, you will exceed jail time. It can be assumed that if your second crime is a misdemeanor, not a felony, you are most likely to lead to the least jail time.

Charges of Undiscovered Violation During Probation

Can You Be Charged with Undiscovered Violation During Probation? No, you cannot be charged with an undiscovered violation that has happened during the probation.

Those criminal offenses will lead to charges that happened during the probationary period.

how-long-does-a-probation-officer-have-to-violate-youAccording to the California Penal Code section 1203.3, the charges made in active probation will lead to penalties. If the violation happened during the probation but remained undiscovered has no penalty.

Does Misdemeanor or Felony Matter in Probation?

Yes, it does matter in probation. If you are charged with a misdemeanor, the charges will be not as severe as compared to the convictions of a felony.

Misdemeanor Probation Violations: a misdemeanor is less serious than a felony, so the charge will according to the crime and the severity of the offense.

Misdemeanor during probation may result in an increased period of probation or the original sentence.

how-long-does-a-probation-officer-have-to-violate-youFelony Probation Violation: a felony is a serious criminal offense rather than a misdemeanor, Remember the rules of the charges, and the penalties will be harsher for severe charges. Felony during probation may lead to heavy fines, jail, or prison sentence.

Possible Consequences of A Probation Violation

The following are the possible consequences of a probation violation;

  • Warning Or Reprimand:  for the first time violation of the probation, the probation officer may warn you.
  • Modification Of Probation Terms: during probation, the violation may cause modification or probation terms.
  • Revocation Of Probation: if a criminal on probation commits a serious crime, the probation officer of the criminal justice system may send him/her to for maximum sentence of jail or prison.


  • Fines Or Community Service: as a consequence of probation violation, the probation office or judge decides to fine the offender on probation or impose community service hours with additional fines.

How Probation Violations Get Reported

If the probation violations happen, the probation officer while keeping an eye or watching you may report your probation violations. The report is submitted to the court and charges are made according to the severity of the violations.

The court summons you into probation violation hearings and the judge considers penalties. Remember, for minor violations, the probation officer may manage and won’t submit a formal report to the court.

Probation Revocation Hearing

how-long-does-a-probation-officer-have-to-violate-youThe probation revocation hearing is less formal than the actual criminal trials are the following;

  1. Notification of Violation: the probationer will be notified by the probation officer of the violation during probation.
  2. Representation: the probationer will be given the right to get an attorney as a defense to the prosecution.
  3. Hearing Process: this court hearing is less formal, the defendant can request to cross examine the witness or can challenge the witnesses.
  4. Standard of Proof: the probation officer must submit an eye witness with reasonable doubts, video footage, or any other standard proof to the court.
  5. Judge’s Decision: the final decision will be made by the judge while keeping the preponderance of the evidence into consideration.

What Are the Possible Outcomes of the Hearing?

The outcomes of the revocation probation hearing are the following;

  • No Violation Found: if the violation is not found in the evidence of the probation officer, the probation will be continued as before.


  • Violation Found and Probation Continued: if the violation is found, the probation will be continued according to the charges.
  • Violation Found and Probation Revoked: if the violation found is a serious crime or felony, the sentencing judge will revoke probation and the probation will turn into a jail or prison sentence.
  • Other Sanctions: as discussed, the charges in the hearing will be made according to the crimes, other sanctions may be in the shape of fines, mandatory counseling, community services, or rehabilitation programs.

Can You Violate Probation and Not Go To Jail?

As mentioned in the previous sections, the charges of the violation during the probation will be made according to the crime committed.

In the case of minor violations, the court will warn you or extend your probation period.

Do You Automatically Go To Jail For Violating Probation?

No, you cannot automatically go to jail for violating probation, the charges will be made according to the severity of the crime. If the violation is charged as a misdemeanor, you are safe, if it is a felony, you may go to jail or prison.

What Happens if I Have a Warrant for Probation Violation?

The court summons you with probation violation warrant hearings and the judge finds penalties. Remember, for a minor crime, the probation officer may manage and won’t submit a formal report to the court.

how-long-does-a-probation-officer-have-to-violate-youHow long can you be held on a probation violation? You will show up in court and penalties will be made according to the charges, severity of the crime, frequency of crimes, and many more factors.

Will A Probation Officer Tell You If You Violated?

Yes, the probation officer will notify the probationer for violating the probation. The police officer will present evidence of the criminal offense and the court will summon you for a probation violation hearing.

Violation of Probation for the First Time

For the very first time violation of probation, if the violating probation offense is not severe, the court decides either to extend your probation or will charge you with other convictions.

how-long-does-a-probation-officer-have-to-violate-youRemember, if the probationer commits a minor crime for the first time, the probation officer may manage and won’t submit your case in court.

Talk to a Defense Attorney Today

As mentioned in the study, the court gives you the right to defend your criminal cases, so you can talk to a defense attorney. Contact an experienced criminal defense lawyer so to help you controlling your matter.


A probation violation is an act of disobeying the court’s rule when you are on probation for a prior crime.

While committing an offense, the court orders you to follow the rules in order to get rid of the penalties and try to learn how long does a probation officer have to violate you.

There is an obvious rule; the more serious the crime, the harsher will be the penalties. Probationers who commit small crimes like drug possession, petty theft, and many others, are not arrested to jail.

You will show up in court and penalties will be made according to the charges of violating probation, the severity of the crime, frequency of crimes, and many more factors.

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens if you violate probation in Washington state?

If you violate probation in Washington, the charges will be made according to the severity and frequency of the crimes.

What happens when you violate probation in Illinois?

If you violate probation in Illinois, the charges will be made according to the frequency and severity of the crimes.

What happens if you violate probation for the first time in NJ?

If you violate probation time in NJ, you will be notified and summoned by the court, the severe the charges, the harsher the penalties.

What happens if you violate probation in NY?

Like other states, violating probation in NY has the same law, you will be summoned by the court, and more severe the charges, the harsher will be the penalties.

Alice Barrett

Dedicated legal blogger unraveling complexities, simplifying legal jargon, and offering insights on crucial issues, empowering readers with legal knowledge.

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