Legal Grounds for Divorce

Legal Grounds for Divorce

Divorce is considered a bad part of the memoires carried by parting spouses. No matter, it is liked to happen or not. The rival motivations and inclinations become reason of the divorce.

There is no cavil in holding that the spouses suffer losses and mental agony and likewise their children, and such mental distress and trauma can hardly be forgotten by them in the rest of their lives.

There is no absolute answer to the query why couple chose divorce, because this could involve some or many reasons, leading to irreconcilable differences, some are recognized under the law, while some are not.

However, if one is interested in knowing the reasons of divorce, the law and the process of courts; he can considering contacting the expert divorce solicitor to know much about UK divorce law, and also to get insight about the financial aspects of the divorce and custody of the children.

3 Legal Grounds for Divorce in the UK

As mentioned, the reasons and grounds leading to divorce between spouses are numerous and those cannot be discussed here; however there are 3 valid legal grounds, which furnish basis for the divorce in the UK from the court of law, which are inter alia;


It is one of the grounds to seek divorce from the courts of law. If you take this plea to process your case for the divorce, then it will be incumbent upon you to prove before the court that your partner had been in sexual relationship with someone else of the opposite sex.

However, if the partner is engaged with same gender guy in the sexual relationship; that would not afford you any chance to make it ground for the divorce due to the reasons that as per UK divorce law, having sex with someone of same gender doesn’t amount to adultery.

Keep in mind that if you find your partner engaged in adultery or infidelity and even then continue to live with the partner for a period of six months or more then you would not be able to proceed for divorce on this ground.

Unreasonable Behaviour

If you are pissed off from the conduct and rude behaviour of the partner and it has become not possible or tolerable for you to continue living with the partner then you can also make use of this ground to seek divorce from the court of law.

It is least concerned that what type of behaviour is unreasonable to you be it refusal to help in the housework or doing of physical abuse.


If your partner has become untraceable or has been absent from your life for more than two years without showing any cogent reason; thus the same can be taken as valid ground for seeking divorce from the court of law.

Desertion by keeping oneself off screen for such considerable period of time is considered a deliberate attempt to end the relationship impliedly.

Remember; staying away for two years or more connotes living of the partners at different addresses, or in different rooms of the same place with independent moves though under the same roof would furnish ground for the divorce.

A period of two or more years is sufficient to obtain the divorce from the court provided the partners also show inclination and give consent to that; failing which a period of 5 years is required to enable the judge pass such orders of divorce on its own.

Legal Separation in UK Law

There is no concept of legal separation in the UK law unlike US laws. It indicates that a couple may opt to live together or may continue to live separately. Partners living separately don’t go to the divorce due to any of the following reasons: -

  • They have been married or in a civil partnership for less than a year.
  • They have religious objections to divorce. They want to take time to think things over before ending the marriage or civil partnership.

Before moving to get a divorce, must resort to the legal consultants to find out the possibility of ending relationship while surviving with most of the liabilities and obligations. If you need more help, don’t hesitate to contact legal advice about UK divorce law from professional UK divorce lawyers.

Alice Barrett

Dedicated legal blogger unraveling complexities, simplifying legal jargon, and offering insights on crucial issues, empowering readers with legal knowledge.

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