How Many Rakat in Taraweeh

How Many Rakat in Taraweeh

Taraweeh is a voluntary prayer prayed by Muslim men and women only in the blessed month of Ramadan after Isha, the last prayer of the day. It is one of the consistently Sunnah prayers offered by our Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), He (PBUH) never missed it during the month of Ramadan.

Muslims offer it as congregate in the masjids and they offer recite the whole Quran in it. The word Taraweeh is Arabic word which means rest or relaxation. How many rakat in taraweeh; its number of rakat are disputed and roughly ranges from 8 to 20.

This article shall discuss the meaning of taraweeh, history of this prayer, number of rakat, method of praying each rakat followed by its benefits.

Meaning Of “Taraweeh”

The term Taraweeh is Arabic word that means rest or relaxation. It is relatively very lengthy prayer and it is impossible for Muslims to stand throughout the prayer. So they rest after every 4 rakats while praising ALLAH. It is considered as highly recommended Sunnah and Muslims offer it with their eagerness.

Related Article - How to Pray Taraweeh

History of Taraweeh Prayer

Our last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used to increase all the night prayers with increasing the every unit of prayers. Muhammad (PBUH) once started to pray the night prayer during Ramadan in masjid.

His companions gathered in large amount and started to pray behind Him as well. The following two nights they did so as well and prayed the Taraweeh in congregation.

how to pray taraweeh rakats

At the fourth night the companions waited for the arrival of Muhammad (PBUH) in the masjid but He (PBUH) did not come. At Fajr He (PBUH) said; “Nothing prevented me from coming out to you except the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you.” (Muslim).

Later at the time of the fourth caliph of Islam, Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) this prayer is considered to be prayed at masjid in congregation.

Significance of Tarawih Prayer

Tarawih is of vital importance, it is widely and consistently performed sunnah. Quran and Ahadith emphasize Tarawih in golden words and considered it as a great blessing for Muslims. Quran is prayed in it and muslims are benefited from the words of Quran. It is an opportunity to raise the ranks of Muslims in paradise.

In Islam, the tarawih prayers are a special form of congregational prayer performed during the nights of Ramadan, the holy month of fasting. These prayers are considered highly recommended Sunnah, and their performance is traced back to the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

The taraweeh prayers consist of a series of optional rakats (units of prayer) that are prayed in sets, typically after the obligatory isha prayer. The Messenger of ALLAH (PBUH) said, “He who observes optional prayer (Tarawih prayers) throughout Ramadan, out of sincerity of Faith and in the hope of earning reward will have his past sins pardoned.” (Al- Bukhari and Muslim).

Qiyam Al-Layl Vs.Taraweeh Prayer

The difference between both the terms is indicated by their names and is crystal clear. The Qiyam Al Layl is Arabic word which means stay at night, it can be staying for any religious worship like reciting Quran, remembering ALLAH (ZIKR), praying any missed prayer and the even can be for short interval of time.

a person praying at home

While Taraweeh is Arabic word which means to stay or relax (among the rakat of prayer). Taraweeh is only offered in Ramadan after the Isha prayer. So Taraweeh is the special term for nighttime Ramadan prayer comprised of rakats range from 8 to 12, or 20.

Difference between Taraweeh and Tahajjud

Both are the nighttime prayers but Taraweeh can be only prayed in the month of Ramadan. Tahajjud is prayed individually at home and may be of 2,4 or 10,12 rakats while Taraweeh is prayed congregational in masjids and the number ranges from 8 to 20. The maximum limit is 20 followed by the witr prayer.

Taraweeh Prayer: Sunnah or Naft?

taraweeh sunnah or nafl

Taraweeh is not obligatory but widely and consistently prayed Sunnah. Taraweeh is Sunnah Muakkada, means performed regularly by the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It is the only Sunnah prayer that is prayed congregationally. Muhammad (PBUH) mostly performed it at home and did not regularly pray at masjid regularly.

Number of Rakat in Taraweeh Prayer

To answer the question, how many rakat in taraweeh, the number of rakat is quite controversial and ranges from 8 to 20. However, the main thing taken into consideration is that the number of rakat of Taraweeh prayer must be even number.

Unlike Witr prayer, it is limited to be in couple of rakats like you can intend to offer 2 rakats at once and after tasneem of the 2 rakats then another pair and then another. After every four rakat the performers stay and set for rest while praising ALLAH. The most appropriate way adopted by the last Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is ending Taraweeh with witr.

It was narrated by one of the companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him) that “He performed the night prayer in pairs (i.e., Rak'ah) and made it odd number by observing one Rak'ah (as Witr).”

It is important to note that while the recommended number of rakats is 20, individuals can also choose to pray fewer rakats if they wish. Some scholars suggest that praying 8 rakats, as done by the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the third night of Ramadan, is also sufficient.

However, the goal of the taraweeh prayers is to draw nearer to Allah and gain as many rewards as possible during this blessed month.

How to Pray Taraweeh?

image with half pic person praying at home

The praying method of Taraweeh is the same as that of other prayers. The difference is only in time and in the number of rakat.Taraweeh prayer can be performed during the nights of Ramadan after Isha prayer.

It is limited to be in couple of rakats like you can intend to offer 2 rakats at once and after tasneem of the 2 rakats then another pair and then another. The other performing methods are the same as other prayers, begin with Takbeer, then qiyam, qirat or recitation, rukuh, sujjod, qayda and tasneem.

Tarawih at home?

Taraweeh can be prayed at home, it is not necessary to pray only at masjid in congregation. Throughout His life Muhammad (PBUH) prayed Taraweeh at home and ended with witr. As mentioned earlier that once He (PBUH) prayed at mosque and then did not come to masjid for praying Taraweeh and (PBUH) said; “Nothing prevented me from coming out to you except the fact that I feared that it would be made obligatory for you.” (Muslim).

Later at the time of the fourth caliph of Islam, Hazrat Umar Farooq (RA) this prayer is considered to be prayed at masjid in congregation. The Prophet (PBUH) said, “Stick to my Sunnah (my way) and the Sunnah (way) of the khulafa ar-rashideen (rightly guided caliphs). Hold fast onto it with your molar teeth.”

Tarawih for Ladies

Muslim women also quit their chores and pray Taraweeh during Ramadan very eagerly. How to pray Taraweeh for ladies? Ladies can go to masjid if there is a separated place for them which is covered and men cannot gaze at it. Every woman cannot go to masjid and so they can pray the Taraweeh prayer at home.

If there is one among them who has memorized Quran can be imam but will stand in between in the first row. 
The scholars of the Standing Committee said:-

“A woman’s praying in her house is better for her than her praying in the mosque, whether it is an obligatory or supererogatory prayer, Tarawih or otherwise.” (Fatawa al-Lajnah ad-Daimah – vol. 1, 7/201).

Best Time To Pray Taraweeh

How long is taraweeh and what is Taraweeh prayer time, such questions are often asked. Taraweeh is often prayed very lengthy, one juz or parah is prayed in one day Taraweeh.

The time for taraweeh is after Isha, the obligatory 4 rakats are prayed in congregation, then 2 rakat sunnah is prayed individually. Then after Imam the Taraweeh rakat are pared and ended with witr in congregation.

Islamic School Of Thoughts on Taraweeh Prayer

image of scholars four schools of thoughts

Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbli all are of the view that Taraweeh is Sunnah e Muakkada and they agree on the 20 number of rakats in congregation. The Shafi Islamic school of thought claims that Taraweeh is not obligatory and they believe in the 8 number of rakat.

According to the scholarly consensus, the number of rakats in taraweeh is not fixed. However, it is widely accepted to pray a total of 20 rakats, following the practice of Caliph Umar ibn al-Khattab. He established this practice during his rule, basing it on the actions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).

Caliph Umar bin Abdulaziz later emphasized this practice, stating that performing 20 rakats of taraweeh is akin to completing seventy obligations (fardh). This practice is followed by all four schools of Islamic jurisprudence, including the Hanafi school.

Praying Tarawih Individually or Collectively?

Taraweeh can be prayed in congregation at masjid but you can pray it individually as well. If you miss going masjid or cannot make it possible, offer it in your home. You can also invite your family member to pray with you. Throughout His life Muhammad (PBUH) prayed Taraweeh at home and ended with witr.

Praying Taraweeh in Masjid

How to pray Taraweeh is prayed in Mosque is a genuine questions, if you are new here a satisfactory answer to it. First of all the 4 obligatory rakat of Isha is prayed in congregation, then the performers offer 2 rakat sunnah individually.

Then they intend for 2 rakat Taraweeh and pray it behind imam in congregation. After every 4 rakat they stay for a while and then repeat the same process to complete either, 8, 12 or 20. At last they pray witr in congregation.

Benefits of Praying Taraweeh

Taraweeh is a vital prayer and has numerous benefits, it has spiritual, mental, physical and many more benefits. It is the way of closeness to ALLAH, forgiveness of sins, piousness and spirituality. Quran is widely recited in Taraweeh and Muslims are benefited by hearing it.

Lailatul Qadr in the month of Ramadan is the most blessed night and Quran was revealed on this night. This night is a source of forgiveness, gaining paradise, spirituality and protection and shield from the fire of the hell.

  • Surah al-layl (92:1-3):  translation:  “By the night when it covers, and the day when it reveals, your lord has not forsaken you, nor has he become displeased.”
  • Surah Ql-Qadr (97:1-3): Translation:  “We have revealed it on the night of power. And what will make you know what the night of power is? The night of power is better than a thousand months.”
  • The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "Whoever prays Qiyam (Taraweeh) in Ramadan with faith and seeking reward, his previous sins will be forgiven." (Sahih Al-Bukhari).


To conclude, the term Taraweeh is Arabic word that means rest or relaxation. How many rakat in Taraweeh prayer has been disputed amongst the Muslim scholars?

However, it is a voluntary prayer prayed by Muslim men and women only in the blessed month of Ramadan after Isha, the last prayer of the day.

It is the way of closeness to ALLAH, forgiveness of sins, piousness and spirituality. Quran is widely recited in Taraweeh and Muslims are benefited by hearing it.

The number of rakat is quite controversial and ranges from 8 to 20. However, the main thing taken into consideration is that the number of rakat of Taraweeh prayer must be even number.

Frequently asked questions

How do you perform Taraweeh step by step?

It is prayed in pair of 2 rakats, the total number ranges from 8 to 20. After every four rakat the performers stay and set for rest while praising ALLAH. The other performing methods are the same as other prayers, begin with Takbeer, then qiyam, qirat or recitation, rukuh, sujjod, qayda and tasneem.

Rakats in Taraweeh Prayer?

The number of rakat is quite controversial and ranges from 8 to 20. However, the main thing taken into consideration is that the numBer of rakat of Taraweeh prayer must be even number and ends with odd number of witr. After every 4 rakat they stay for a while and then repeat the same process to complete either, 8, 12 or 20 And end with odd number of witr in congregation.

Is Taraweeh 8 or 20 for Hanafi?

Hanafi, Maliki and Hanbli all are of the view that Taraweeh is Sunnah e Muakkada and they agree on the 20 number of rakats in congregation. The Shafi Islamic school of thought claims that Taraweeh is not obligatory and they believe in the 8 number of rakat.

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