White Mucus in Nose

White Mucus in Nose

Mucus, also termed as snot, is the first line of defense of our immune system, it is found throughout the body, lining all the cavities of the body and coating all the organs.

The color of the white mucus in nose is changed according to different situations, it may turn red, white, yellow, pink, black and so on indicating fungal, viral and bacterial infections. Let’s discuss all the infections with the mucus colors, reasons, causes and treatment.

Functions Of Mucus?

It helps the body to fight against the harmful germs like fungi, virus, bacteria and dust. Its nature is viscous and protects the body form fungi, bacteria, dust, and many other harmful substances from getting into the body. During abnormal conditions of the body the mucus production triggers and is increased resulting in the runy nose.

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We inhale through nose and mouth so it is present there to trap the particles and organisms and to block them to not enter to our lungs. So the mucus lines the digestive tract in the neck area and head and keeps them moist.

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Color Of Snot in nose

Whenever we get ill the body immune system is triggered and it starts producing excess mucus which results in the runny nose.

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The interesting fact is that not only the quantity but also the color of the mucus changes. The colors are not only the same and are changed according to different situations, it may turn red, white, yellow, pink, black and so on.

Different colors indicate different infections in the body which may be fungal, viral or bacterial. Let’s discuss in details about every color and the reasons along with their treatments.

Colorless Mucus

The mucus will be clear if you have no infection and your body will function normal. The normal color of the mucus is colorless, it can be assumed that the normal mucus will be like water, transparent.

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Normal Mucus consists of water rich in antibodies, salts and proteins. If your mucus is clear and still you have some inflammation it means that there are some sorts allergies like Rhinitis, pollen, animal fur etc. during the pregnancy of women they also produce the normal mucus on account of hormonal fluctuations.

Other than the white mucus in the nose, if you have an allergy you will most likely have the following symptoms; itchy, fatigue, watery eyes, sneezing, itchy nose and throat, discoloration under the eyes, coughing.

White Mucus

If you have white mucus in the nose you must have swelling and inflammation, it means that your mucus has the low water content and will be more viscous than the normal.

The thickness and the cloudy nature of the mucus is the result of congestion, it also indicates that you have fever. The other symptoms may be; cough, headache, itchy nose, low fever, sore throat, and most importantly congestion.

Pink or Red Mucus

The color of the mucus may be pink or red in the case of nosebleed, there must be some amount of blood in the mucus. The nosebleed occurs due to several reasons and it is very rare case only happens in critical situations.

If you ever observe any drop of blood in the mucus you must be worried. If the bleeding continues for more than 15, 20 minutes you are directed to visit a physician.

Yellow Mucus

Other than white mucus, the color of the mucus may be of yellow color. If the situation is so, your body is fighting some infections and the yellow color will be on account of blood cells.

The cells fighting the germs become dead after fighting and are discarded through the mucus and the color turns yellow. If the yellow color becomes darker it means that some red blood cells are also discarded.

Green Mucus

Green color of the mucus is also the result of the active and triggered immune system, the body fights while discarding more and more dead white blood cells and other blood cells. The mucus will be thicker than the normal.

Often during Sinus infection the mucus color becomes yellow and prevails for more than a week, if the situation is so, you must worry about and consult a doctor immediately.

Black Mucus

Last but not the least, the mucus also can be black in color, the situation may be in one scenario if you are a smoker or living in a smoking environment.

The black mucus may also be the result of excessive air pollution. It is very rare case and not happens often but if you are a worker of an industry or a citizen of a polluted city.

Brown Mucus

Brown mucus refers to nasal or respiratory discharge that has a brownish color due to the presence of blood or old, oxidized blood. it may indicate infection or irritation.

Why Your Snot Changes Color

Color of your snot changes due to factors like infection, allergies, or environmental irritants. white or clear indicates a healthy state, while yellow, green, or brown suggests infection or inflammation.

How to Prevent Nosebleeds?

To prevent the nosebleeds you must apply ointment and Vaseline to the nasal passages. You can also get a saline spray or gel to line the nasal cavities.

You can also have a humidifier to moisture the air and try blowing your nose slowly. The pregnant women may also go through the same situations because of the increased blood volume, swollen nasal passages and hormone level in the body.

Types Of Fungal Infections Of The Sinuses

The white mucus in nose changes colors according to the situation and with the infections that occur to body. The fungal infections of Sinuses are the following: -

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Signs You Should Consult a Physician

Some others signs you must be worried about white mucus in nose and avoiding consulting a physician in that situation may be more dangerous for your health.

First of all pay attention to the interval of the illness and examine the signs and symptoms of the illness. If you have cold its duration may extend from 5 to 10 days, with 3 to 5 days the bacterial infection may get its peak. High fever, pain in the lungs, difficulty breathing is the alarming signs as well.

If the cold or fever exceeds 5 days and you feel severe headache or ache around the eyes and nasal cavities, the situation is worst.

The all-day redness or swelling around the eyes, pain in the dorsal area of neck, sensitivity to light, vomiting that are persisting and the increased irritability are the worst sign that indicate consulting a doctor. Let’s discuss the causes of the white mucus in nose.

Causes Of Thick, Sticky Mucus

The major causes that contribute and result in the infections while changing the color of the mucus in nose. Dry climate is the first and foremost cause which happens due to the outdoor activities in the dry weather.

Bacterial and viral infections are the prominent causes of the thick, sticky mucus, the body immune system triggers and producing mucus in large amount to flush out the germs out of the body.

Fungal rhinosinusitis also contribute to the white mucus in nose that compels the body to flow more mucus and line the system immediately. It irritates the nose and turns the mucus color into golden.

Allergies are the big agents of the white mucus in nose that may be triggered by pollen, dust, dry air, perfumes, etc. Along with it, the dehydration factor is also an alarming cause.

Treatments: Causes of Snot

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To treat the causes of mucus in nose, use home remedies for bacterial and viral respiratory infections, take herbal tea and steam, drink warm water and do not expose to the dry weather. Getting rid of allergic reactions with using the saline nasal spray would be effective. Use nasal steroids and Antihistamine to cure the allergies.

The treatment of fungal infections require doctors’ prescription, they would recommend nasal irrigation and antifungal medicines. The most effective treatment to lower the chances of the infections and to get rid of white mucus is hydrating the body.

Use humidifier, drink excessive water, protecting body from dry weather and keep the nostrils clean with saline nasal spray.

How To Prevent Thick Mucus

If you are a smoker or living in the smoking area you are prone to infections, use a humidifier to cure the dryness of the trachea. In polluted areas it would be better to wear a respiratory mask and drinking excessive water also lowers the symptoms and causes of the sinuses infections.


To sum up, white mucus in nose and other colors indicate some infections. The infections are caused by dry climate, dehydration and allergies of pollen and dust.

The infections are treated with home remedies and doctors’ prescription of saline nasal spray, using humidifier, respiratory masks, nasal steroids and Antihistamine.

Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do I Have White Discharge Like Nasal Mucus?

During any abnormal conditions of the body the mucus production triggers and is increased resulting in the running nose. Particularly in infections, the body produces mucus in large amount to flush out the germs out of the body.

Why Do I Have White Glue Like Mucus In My Nose?

If you have white mucus in nose you must have swelling and inflammation, it means that your mucus has the low water content and will be more viscous than the normal. The thickness and the cloudy nature of the mucus is the result of congestion.

What Color Is Sinus Infection Mucus?

During Sinus infection the mucus color becomes yellow and prevails for more than a week. The cells fighting the germs become dead after fighting and are discarded through the mucus and the color turns yellow.

What Color Phlegm Is Covid?

Covid is a viral infection caused by Corona virus resulting in high fever, loss of tats and smell, headache, sore throat and cough. The color will be green and cloudy, the body fights while discarding more and more white blood cells and other blood cells through mucus.

Does white mucus mean your getting better?

Yes, but not always. Thin mucus is normal and show health. While thicker white mucus shows sign of infections and also feelings of congestion.

Can white mucus be from allergies?

Yes, allergies and asthama type infections can cause white phlegm, therefore measures should be taken to avoid inflicting with these.

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