Caviar is made from the unfertilized eggs extracted from the Sturgeon fish, the fish is found in the Caspian sea and black sea region, so calling it black diamond would be justice with it. It is also found in the European countries, Ukraine, Russia and the United States.
Caviar is very rare and expensive, people are compelled to think that why is caviar so expensive? This study includes all the factors affecting the cost of Caviar prices and all other necessary details.
Table of Contents
- What Is Caviar?
- History of Caviar
- How Do You Eat Caviar?
- Is Caviar Healthy?
- Caviar Producing Countries
- The Sturgeon; an Endangered Species
- Types of Caviar
- Life Span of Sturgeon
- Rearing Of Caviar Industry
- Caviar Production
- Caviar Extraction
- Caviar Cost?
- Alternative Options: Affordable Caviar
- Conclusion
- Frequently Asked Questions
What Is Caviar?
Caviar is a delicacy, one of the expensive foods of the world, made from the unfertilized eggs of the Sturgeon fish. It has salty taste. If we run our glimpse over the history, it is pre historic and dated back to the ancient times.

People used to pay hundreds of dollars to enjoy the luxury and the famous delicacy of the Caviar, in the recent times it stills costs thousands of dollars. The fish is found in the Caspian sea and black sea regions. The cost is so on account of countless reasons but we can add only here that is very rare and the extraction and perseverance is a laborious work.
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History of Caviar
The sturgeon is dated back to the ancient time, it history is very rich. It was used in the 17th century it is peak. Latter, on account of its uncontrolled hunting it was made endangered and then banned by the law. Caviar’s tales were famous at the ancient Grecian Banquets and served with glory to the imperials.
European monarchs then adopted the delicacy to their crown and then were fond of it. The whole world then got to know about it and people started business of hunting the Sturgeon fish during sturgeon fishing make it endangered sturgeon species, which are rare to find.
How Do You Eat Caviar?
To enjoy the world’s most expensive and one of the best foods, it can be eaten directly but not with that much luxury. So how to enjoy caviar or how do you eat caviar would be the question you want to ask. Here are the techniques to enjoy it, since its taste is salty, briny and buttery, it is eaten with cheese, fruits, butter, medium eggs or crackers.

It is eaten with small bites on account of the limited amount and is preferred in lunch. Heat is not provided to it, it is eaten cold. To get rid of oxidation and other unnecessary processes for it, stainless steel and metal containers are avoided.
Is Caviar Healthy?
If you are also one of them asking that is Caviar healthy along with why is expensive Caviar? Yes, of course, how it is possible that one of the expensive foods of the world would not be healthy. The fact that it is extracted from the Sturgeon roe fish, it is very nutritious.
As it is eggs so it is full of protein, vitamins, omega-3s, and other important minerals. It has also medical uses, it is rich in sodium and the American Heart Association reports that is best for keeping the blood pressure balanced. It could be only eaten in moderate amount, its excess amount may have some negative impacts.
Caviar Producing Countries
It is mentioned that it is found in the Caspian sea and black origin of sea, the countries in which it is found are Russia, US, European countries are the caviar producers. As per reports, in 2018 the United States came up the 18 metric tons, or about 40,000 pounds of caviar prices.

The main hub for it is the European countries they produced 164 metric tons of caviar in 2018. They have contributed for almost 84% of the total caviar production of the world. However, the Sturgeon roe fish species were made endangered on account of their uncontrolled fishing.
It has banned latter not to kill these fish for the Caviar, because they kill the fish and would extract the unfertilized eggs from them.
The Sturgeon; an Endangered Species
The sturgeon is dated back to the ancient time, it history is very rich. It was used in the 17th century it is peak. The caviar is linked with the high price tag. People kill the fish and extract the eggs from the female, by doing so they almost destroy its population.
From the Grecian imperials to the European, from there to the United States it got fame and became the source of great business. Famous in the whole world, then people got to know about it and started business of hunting the Sturgeon making it endangered and rare to found.
They would be almost extinct but thanks to the greedy men who are raring these types of fish for producing the black diamonds. They are only in the world still in rare amount on account of the fish caviar farms or sturgeon farms, they rear them to get the eggs without killing them. They are not interested in their lives but only in the eggs, the black diamonds.
Types of Caviar
There are different varieties of the Caviar depend on the type of eggs extracted from the other species of the cured fish.

1. White Sturgeon Caviar
The first one among them types of the Caviar is the white Sturgeon Caviar, it Is the premium variety. It is extracted from the species Ancipense Transmontanus which are also very rare and unique. The history of this type of Caviar is also very rich, it has been in use for over 35 years, and the populations of these species are very stable and are not very prone to become endanger.
2. Beluga Sturgeon Caviar
The second one common and the most expensive caviar among others is the Beluga Caviar. It is extracted from the Belgua Sturgeon, this fish grow in lengthy size which ranges from 18 to 22 feet. On account of its lengthy size it laid large amount of lustrous delicate eggs that are with very buttery flavour rather than briny flavour or creamy texture.
3. Ossetra Caviar
Another one is Osetra Caviar, it is very nutty and creamy in taste and expensive as well. It is considered highly tasty and is referred as a gourmet delicacy. Osetra Caviar is extracted from the Osetra Sturgeon and due to uncontrolled hunting it is known to be endangered among other Sturgeons.
4. Sevruga Caviar
These kinds of Caviars are relatively less expensive because of the variety of the fish, the eggs used in these caviars are smaller than that of other. These eggs are extracted from the Sevruga Sturgeon. On account of their low price than that of rare Beluga caviar and Osetra, those who cannot afford the expensive easily get these eggs and enjoy the luxurious delicacy.
5. Other Types
In addition to the above, there are some other types of Caviar that are also common and precious like Beluga caviar and Osetra. Other types include; Sterlet, Paddlefish Caviar, Hackleback Caviar, malossol caviar, and almas caviar. These are not expensive but their tastes are good and Caviar enthusiasts enjoy these luxurious delicacies as well.
Life Span of Sturgeon
The life spans of the Sturgeons are very unique showing extra ordinary behavior. These types of fish are large in size, they live for century of years, less or more. For instance, take the example of the female Belgua Sturgeon who can live for more than 118 years.

The extra ordinary behavior we were talking about is that they cannot lay eggs for an interval of 18 years or a life cycle of that many years. So their life span is lengthy but not giving the eggs for almost a score of years make the Caviar rarity and precious.
The maturity stage of Sturgeons ranges from 8 year to 18 years, before this maturity stage they cannot produce the eggs, so they farmers of Sturgeon wait for that interval of years while rearing carefully them.
Rearing Of Caviar Industry
The raring of the Caviar is full of labour and hardships with waiting game. Famous in the whole world, then they got to know about it and people started business of hunting the Sturgeon making it endangered and rare to found. They would be almost extinct but thanks to the greedy men who are raring these types of fish or flying fish for producing the black diamonds.
They are only in the world still in rare amount on account of the fish farms, they rear them to get the eggs without killing them. They are not interested in their lives but only in the produce eggs annually, the black diamonds.

They are reared very carefully, the farmers provide them nutrition of all kind and if they get ill they take extra care. They are more prone to bacteria and fungi so any contamination in the water my harm them. their life span is lengthy but not giving the eggs for almost a score of years makes Caviar rare and precious.
The maturity stage of Sturgeons ranges from 8 year to 18 years, before this maturity stage they cannot produce eggs, so they farmers of Sturgeon wait for that interval of years while rearing carefully them. This process answers the question that why is expensive caviar.
Caviar Production
Besides why is Caviar so expensive depends on How Caviar is produced? It is very laborious process and time consuming. Caviar is produced from the Sturgeons, they are caught through different techniques like netting and others.
When they are caught they are harvested with care and the unfertilized eggs are extracted by professionals without harming them. The eggs are then stored in safe place with proper temperature and handled very delicately. They are separated then while categorizing by their size and quality. The production process needs professionals and unlimited care so the prices are then raised.
Caviar Extraction
The next process to the catching of the Sturgeons is the extracting of the eggs. Extraction comprises numerous methods, traditionally the eggs were extracted with the techniques called Milking, stripping, C-section and slaughter.

The easiest of them for the farmers were the slaughter method, they used to catch the Strugeons and then kill them while extracting the eggs. The kill free methods are famous in now days because of their scarcity. Hormones are injected to the fish, their abdomens are messaged gently and the eggs are extracted.
Caviar Cost?
People are curious in the secret that why is caviar expensive? Keeping this question aside for a while, let’s discuss the prices of all of them. Beginning with the cheapest caviar, the minimum in them range from $50 to $75 per ounce. You can get in this price range only a few bites just to taste it.
The highest price range is up to thousands of dollars depending on the varieties of the Caviar. The expensive Beluga prices including beluga sturgeon range from $1oo to $125 per ounce. If we discuss the premium or high quality caviar or we can also say the A grade Caviar costs up to $25000 for 1 kilogram of Caviar.
The prices are so on account of numerous factors like the care, handling, harvesting, storing, transporting, etc. etc.
Factors Affecting the Cost
The factors that affect the price of the Caviar are the following: -

a). Rarity And Scarcity
It is already discussed that the Caviar is produced from the lake Sturgeon unfertilized eggs and the fish are rare and scarce. People kill the fish and extract the eggs from the female, by doing so they almost destroy its population.
From the Grecian imperials to the European, from there to the United States it got fame and became the source of great business. Famous in the whole world, then people got to know about it and started business of hunting the Sturgeon family making it endangered specices and rare to found. So the price is high on account of the rarity and the scarcity.
b). High Rearing (Farming) Costs
Why caviar is so expensive? They are reared very carefully, the farmers provide them nutrition of all kind and if they get ill they take extra care. They are more prone to bacteria and fungi so any contamination in the water my harm them.
Their life span is lengthy but not giving the eggs for almost a score of years make the Caviar rare and precious. The maturity stage of Sturgeons ranges from 8 year to 18 years, before this maturity stage they cannot produce the eggs, so they farmers of Sturgeon wait for that interval of years while rearing carefully them.
c). Extracting & Processing The Eggs
Extraction comprises numerous methods, traditionally the eggs were extracted with the techniques called Milking, stripping, C-section or slaughter. The easiest of them for the farmers were the slaughter method, they used to catch the Strugeons and then kill them while extracting the eggs.
The kill free methods are famous in now days because of their scarcity. Hormones are injected to the fish, their abdomens are messaged gently and the eggs are extracted.
The eggs are then stored in safe place with proper temperature and handled very delicately. They are separated then while categorizing by their size and quality. The production process needs professionals and unlimited care so the prices are then raised. This results in the question that why is expensive caviar.
d). Labor And Expertise
The farming of the Sturgeon is very laborious process and time consuming. Caviar is produced from the Sturgeons, they are caught through different techniques like netting and others. When they are caught they are harvested with care and the unfertilized eggs are extracted by professionals without harming them.
The eggs are then stored in safe place with proper temperature and handled very delicately. They are separated then while categorizing by their size and quality. The production process needs professionals and unlimited care so the prices are then raised.
e). Storage And Handling
The factor that raises the prices as well is the storage and the handling of the eggs. The eggs are extracted and rinsed well by the professionals and then stored while carefully handling them. The eggs are very fragile and delicate, being careful is the very key to handle the Caviar.
If not so, the eggs preferably salmon eggs may break and the expensive delicacy will not be the same. To maintain the freshness and the quality they ensure the balanced temperature and humidity that need expenses resulting in the high prices of the Caviar. This process answers the question that why is Caviar so expensive.
f). Branding And Prestige
Other than the very basic factors there are some other factors that give raise to the prices are the branding and prestige. After the inevitable fame in the world the famous companies of the world are involved in the business with countless brands.
For instance, Iran government were once involved in the business of Caviar increasing the prestige of it, made pennies more than earned through oil. Why is Caviar so expensive, so this factor also affects the expenses of the Caviar.
g). The Strict Control Standards
After 1920’s uncontrolled hunting of the Sturgeons, they are considered as endangered. People kill the fish and extract the eggs from the female, by doing so they almost destroy its population. They would be almost extinct but thanks to the greedy men who are raring these types of fish for producing the black diamonds.
They are only in the world still in rare amount on account of the fish farms, they rear them to get the eggs without killing them. They are not interested in their lives but only in the eggs, the black diamonds. So the states made strict laws to protect the species and that made the Caviar so expensive as well.
h). Supply And Demand
Supply and demand is the old-aged rules of the market that if there is high demands, lower the supplies and raise the prices. As it is the food of prestige, luxury, imperials, royalty, and the elite, if the case is so the prices will automatically touch the skies.
To hijack the market the businessmen often store the Caviar without supplying it for a time to consider it more scare and to fulfill that rarity they meet the demands with high prices.
i). Transportation Costs
It needs extra care to handle and store the Caviar made up of the fragile eggs of the Sturgeons. The question we are discussing that why Caviar is so expensive has provided with some facts, another one of them is the transportation expenses.
The Caviar is transported through ships and needs professionals to handle the packaging and to maintain the quality. The transportation of Caviar answers the question that why is expensive caviar.
j). Quality Of The Caviar
Not all of the Caviars are so expensive, some of them are available with a little bit of lower prices. Why the case is so, why some Caviar are so expensive while the others are not? There is only a simple one word answer to the aristocratic question, the Quality.
The quality is the main factor that affects the price of the Caviar. Begging with the lowest prices, the minimum in them range from $50 to $75 per ounce. You can get in this price range only a few bites just to taste its buttery flavour.
The highest price range is up to thousands of dollars depending on the varieties of the Caviar. The expensive Beluga prices range from $1oo to $125 per ounce. If we discuss the premium quality or we can also say the A grade Caviar, it costs up to $25000 for 1 kilogram of Caviar.

If you are one the caviar enthusiasts but cannot afford the most expensive of them, and think that why is caviar so expensive. Do not worry about that, there are still some alternative options for you.
They following are the example of the fish that also give the caviar with lower prices and different taste; salmon roe (ikura), trout roe, whitefish roe (golden caviar), vegan caviar and tobiko.
To have a final thought over the study of why is Caviar so expensive, it is made from the unfertilized eggs extracted from the Sturgeon, the fish is found in the Caspian sea and black sea region.
It is also found in the European countries, Ukraine, Russia and the United States. People used to pay hundreds of dollars to enjoy the luxury and the famous delicacy of the Caviar, in the recent times it stills costs thousands of dollars.
The cost is so on account of countless reasons, the Stergeons are very rare, the eggs are fragile need to be handle very gently, the extraction of the eggs, making it true Caviar, storing transporting etc. all the factors give rise to the cost.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is so special about caviar?
Caviar is a delicacy, one of the expensive foods of the world, made from the unfertilized eggs of the wild Sturgeon fish or wild caviar. It has salty taste. It is full of protein, vitamins, omega-3s, and other important minerals. It has also medical uses, it is rich in sodium and the American Heart Association reports that is best for keeping the blood pressure balanced.
Why is caviar banned in US?
As per reports, in 2018 the United States came up the 18 metric tons, or about 40,000 pounds of caviar. The wild Sturgeon fish species were made endangered on account of their uncontrolled fishing. It has banned in US latter not to kill these fish for the Caviar, because they kill the fish and would extract the unfertilized eggs from them.
Is it Ethical to eat caviar?
Yes, it is ethical to eat the Caviar. The eggs are extracted by the Milking, stripping etc. methods which are killing free. Kill free methods are famous in now days because of their scarcity. Hormones are injected to the fish, their abdomens are messaged gently and the eggs are extracted.
What does caviar taste like?
It is tasted caviar like, briny and buttery, it is eaten with cheese, fruits, butter, eggs or crackers. It is eaten with small bites on account of limited amount and is preferred in lunch. Heat is not provided to it; it is eaten cold.
Is caviar actually fish eggs?
Yes, caviar is indeed fish roe, specifically the unfertilized eggs of sturgeon. It is considered a delicacy prized for its rich taste and texture.