Cost to Replace Sewer Line

Cost to Replace Sewer Line

We believe you don’t have spare time to think about repairing or replacing your sewer line unless there is trouble in the underground sewer line. The sewer line in your home is linked to the public wastewater system and septic tanks.

However, replacing sewer lines that are damaged or in need of repair can be costly. You can lower the price by taking certain measures that we will be explaining in detail later on.

In this article, we will dive deep into factors that influence these costs, how they are assessed, and options you might have when facing a sewer line replacement.

What is a Sewer Line Replacement?

Sometimes your underground sewer line gets damaged due to multiple reasons and that is the point where you must pay attention to either replace it or repair it. Sewer lines are sometimes called the sewer lateral. 
When these sewer lines require repair or replacement it can cost you a heavy price.

This is the work you need to pay attention to when you notice water pressure drops and even sewage backups. Its replacement can cost you thousands of dollars.

2 cost sewer lineSewer lateral is the main sewer line that runs from your home to outside the public sewer system. It is the main line that drains storm water to the public sewer system. If there is a damage in your sewer line then keep in mind that you are not responsible for it but since it hurts your house.

These sewer pipes are almost underground and lengthy therefore replacing them means digging the entire length of the ground. If the length of the sewer pipes is long then you will have to prepare yourself for a huge price.

It is possible that some parts of your sewer line might be damaged, in that case you don’t have to worry about the expenses. However, repairing or replacing full length of sewer pipes might cost you huge sum of money.

Significance of Sewer Line

Repairing and replacing sewer lines is a critical aspect of maintaining the functionality and longevity of a sewer system. The significance of this process cannot be overstated, as it directly impacts public health, environmental safety, and property value.

The relevance of sewer line repair and replacement is evident in the potential consequences of neglecting these vital infrastructure components.

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Timely Repairs of Sewer Line

First and foremost, the cost to replace a sewer line underscores the significance of timely maintenance and repair. Sewer line replacement cost can vary significantly depending on factors such as the length of the sewer line, the extent of damage, and the method of replacement.

On average, homeowners can expect to pay between $50 to $250 per linear foot for sewer line replacement. This cost can escalate further if the entire sewer line needs replacement or if additional repairs are required due to unforeseen complications.

Damaged & Broken Lines

Sewer line repairs are often necessary when issues such as broken sewer lines, tree root intrusion, or pipe deterioration occur. Ignoring these problems can lead to more extensive damage and higher repair costs down the line.

In some cases, a full sewer line replacement may be the most cost-effective solution, especially if the existing pipe is beyond repair or if multiple sections of the sewer line are compromised.

Traditional & Non-traditional Methods

One method of sewer line replacement is gaining popularity is trenchless sewer line replacement, which has widely been accepted these days and the common folk started looking for this process.

Unlike traditional methods that involve digging trenches to access the sewer pipes, trenchless replacement techniques such as pipe bursting or pipe lining minimize disruption to the surrounding landscape and reduce labor costs.

This approach is particularly beneficial for homeowners with sewer lines located under concrete slabs or in areas with mature landscaping.

Replacement by Professional Companies

Professional sewer line replacement companies utilize advanced technologies such as camera inspections to assess the condition of sewer pipes accurately. This allows for precise pipe location and targeted repairs, minimizing the need for extensive excavation.

Regular sewer line maintenance, including cleaning and inspection, can help prevent issues such as leaking sewer lines, clogged drains, and sewer line backups, ultimately saving homeowners money in the long run.

Proved, it is Crucial to Attend

Sewer line repair and replacement are crucial components of maintaining a functional sewer system and preserving property value. The cost to replace sewer lines underscores the significance of proactive maintenance and timely repairs.

Utilizing advanced techniques such as trenchless sewer line replacement and conducting regular inspections can help homeowners mitigate the risk of costly sewer line issues and ensure the long-term integrity of their sewer system.

How Much does it Cost to Replace Sewer Lines?

In this section, we will be giving you estimates of your cost to repair or replace sewer lines. After a thorough research, we have come to the conclusion that there is no fix price to repair or replace sewer lines.

The average cost of replacing a sewer line ranges from $3000-$6000 if there are no major obstacles. If the pipes are damaged completely then the cost may range from $4000-$10,000. To break it down further, you will have to pay $50 to $150-200 per linear foot of sewer line.

However, keep in mind that the cost for repairing or replacing might differ depending on the material of the pipes and difficulty in accessing the existing pipes. You might also need to pay for the additional expenses for excavation, backfill, or landscaping.

Why is Sewer Line Replacement Expensive?

The first thing that comes to mind is that why sewer line replacement is expensive? There could be multiple answers but as far as our research is concerned, we have concluded that plumbing issues and sewer line problems can be one of the most daunting and costly to resolve.

Sewer line replacement is a complex task that requires specialized equipment, skilled technicians, and careful planning. There could also be other factors that might influence the cost of sewer replacement. It is due to these reasons that the sewer line replacement is daunting and expensive task.

When is it Time to replace your Sewer Line?

First of all it can be very difficult to determine whether your sewer line is damaged or not. Secondly, you can find out about damages in your sewer line upon noticing the following signs: -
3 cost sewer line repairs

General Methods to Measure Costing

In the market trends, there are many methods which are practiced by the professional companies for undertaking the tasks of repairing or replacing the damaged sewer line. However, let’s shed light on some of the methods: -

Cost of Replacing per square foot

The cost of replacing your sewer lines depends, first of all, on the length of the pipe. The length of the pipe is the most significant part in determining the cost to replace. In a dense urban area, people usually have a 25-60 foot sewer line.

However, in rural areas, these lines might be 75 feet long or longer than that. The prices may vary from $50 and $200 per linear foot.

In the following lines, we will show you the price if your sewer lines have varying length. In the below table, we have divided the length of the pipes and contrasted it with the cost that you have to pay.

4 cost repairs sewer line

Cost of Replacing by Material

It is important to mention here that the main sewer lines are 4-inch thick pipes. The diameter of the pipes may vary depending the variety of the pipe. The length of the sewer line is the main cost factor, but the kind of pipe you chose also affects your cost.

Therefore, you will have to carefully choose the type of pipe that you want to use keeping in mind your expenses. The plastic pipes that people usually use due to low price are polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS).

People prefer these two kinds of pipes due to its low cost, lightweight, and easy to install. However, well-off people, also use copper and cast iron pipes. Usually these pipes are expensive but people use it due to its strength.

Some houses in the United States had Orangeburg pipes installed during the post-World War II. Most of these pipes were replaced after the 1970s but still we have few houses in the United States that have this Orangeburg pipes.

Cost of Replacing on the type of Repair

Now there are various means by which you can effectively treat your sewer lines. You can apply traditional method by simply replacing an old or damaged sewer line by the new one. However, given the contemporary technological intervention, this method might not be the best option for many of you.5 sewer line costing

1. Replacing via Trenchless Technology

Trenchless technology is a sort of underground construction that requires the use of few or no trenches at surface. Through this method, an expert uses new techniques and equipment to construct or replace underground infrastructure.

In trenchless sewer lines repairs method, you do not need to dig the surface of your yard or crack concrete slabs. This method can be applied in order to significantly reduce the time and disruption.

2. Replacing with the help of Camera Inspection

In this method, you will need a camera to inspect the inside of the pipe. It will help you point out the cracks or damages in your pipes. After camera inspection of the inside of the drain line, Hydro-jetting is used to clear clogs using pressurized water.

3. Using of Pipe Burst

If your sewer lines have been damaged entirely then you will have to replace the whole sewer line.  For a full replacement, you have to use a pipe burst method. It forces new pipes through existing pipes.

Each end of the sewer line is made with a hole. The machine pushes the pipe out the other side while the new pipe is being fed in.

4. Using Cured-in-place pipe lining (CIPP)

If you don’t want to replace the entire sewer lines then you can use cured-in-place pipe lining method. It is a method of repair that does not replace pipes. In a sense, this method can help you heal the pipes without the need to be excavated.

The sewer line is then filled with a soft, epoxy-coated liner. This form an interior surface in the pipe that is new and unaffected once it has dried up.

Factors Affecting the Cost of Sewer Line Replacement

Sewer costs may vary depending on the type of material, distance of the pipe, along with other materials. A trenchless method is a bit expensive and can cost you between $60 and $250 per linear foot.

Factors that will impact the cost of your sewer line are: -
6 sewer line cost

Other Sewer Lines Repair

Sometimes your sewer line has been damaged which you can repair after finding out where the damage has been done. In such cases, you might not need to replace the entire sewer line. Do take an appointment with camera inspection in order to immerse the camera to see where the damage is.

Tree Root Removal from Sewer Line

we already know that it is not unusual for a tree to enter and grow through the sewer lines. A plumber can repair the pipe that has been damaged by the tree roots. While the root removal may cost you extra $100-$500 per tree foot.

Cracked Pipe Replacement

There could be multiple reasons why your sewer line has been damaged or cracked. It is entirely possible to repair pipes that have been cracked due to other reasons, such as freezing temperatures, heavy foot traffic, or even extreme cold.

If you want to repair cracked sewer pipes then it will cost you less than replacing an entire sewer system.

Line Collapsed Replacement

It is possible that your sewer line has collapsed. The water flow, in such cases, through a buried pipe will slow down due to collapse. In such cases, trenchless repair is possible. This will cost you $50-$200 per foot for trenched repair/replacement.

How to Save Money on a Sewer Line Replacement

After the above discussion, this is now clear that sewer replacement can cost you enough money and you might not afford it at the time. Therefore, many homeowners are hesitant to replace or repair their sewer lines due to high cost.

But if you have persistent sewer line problem then follow our guide to know how you can save money on a sewer line replacement: -

Ask about Trenchless Replacements

These replacements can be expensive per foot but you don’t have to pay for yard cleanup or repair if your yard qualifies.

Preparing your Yard

If trenching is essential, you must prepare your yard in order to prevent waste. You can also cut and remove the sod, keep it watered and then move any plants or shrubs you wish to replant.

How to Minimize Repairs?

If you still think that sewer replacement can cost you enough money and you don’t want to spend money on that. Then you have to make sure your line is covered by your insurance company before any problems arise.

Therefore, if any issue arises in sewer line then they will pay the total outstanding cost on your sewer replacement.
7 costing sewer line

Replace your Sewer Drain by a Professional or DIY

It is necessary to note that it is possible that you won’t be able to repair or replace your sewer line by yourself. Because it is a difficult task and requires a professional. You cannot even reach the pipe on your own.

To reach the pipes you will need heavy machinery, such as tools that take out and replace the pipe. It is noteworthy that in your home you may not have necessary tools, training, and experience. It is worth it to hire professional contractors who are experienced in replacing your sewer line.

How to Choose a Professional for Sewer Replacement?

It is necessary to call a professional for sewer line replacement because you will be unable to do it on your own. But before you call on a professional, keep these advise in your mind. We advise you to contact and receive estimates from at least three contractors before making your choice.

It is essential to ask few questions when you are looking for a contractor: -

  • Is your plumbing license up to date? Is your company bonded and insured? If you are in a state like California that requires a special license for sewer line work, does the contractor performing the work have it?
  • How is your company rated by the Better Business Bureau (BBB)?
  • How do past customers rate your service?
  • How will you determine whether the sewer line needs repair or replacement?
  • Can I receive my estimate in writing, along with any contracts or warranties?


Every house pipes has been connected to the public sewer line in urban and dense rural areas. Sometimes water clogs in your house sewer line. When you notice this, you need to call on professionals to repair your damaged sewer line.

Repairing or replacing sewer line will, undoubtedly, cost you more money. Besides, you also need to do research about different methods to repair or replace sewer lines. There are various methods, discussed earlier, through which you can repair the drain damages.

But before you make a final decision and call on contractors, we advise you to do research about the contractors who will do your job for how much money.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my sewer line needs to be replaced?

To be clear, it is very difficult to know that your sewer lines needs to be replaced. However, you can still know when you notice a flood of sewage in your yard, and drain clogs in your house. Upon noticing you must take actions to get rid of the damages.

How many years does a sewer line last?

The life span of a sewer line depends on the type of pipe you use. Clay pipes usually last from 50-60 years while PVC pipes have the capacity to last for about 100 years.

How do you know if your sewer line is broken?

First of all, find out when your sewer line was installed. Secondly, when you notice a flood of water in your yard and drain clogs in the house. These two are the main signs that your sewer line is broken.

How deep are sewer lines buried?

There is no constant value to bury the sewer line. The depth of sewer lines differs. Typically, it can be 20 inches to 30 inches deep. However in other cases, the depth can reach above 6 feet.

Benjamin Aidan

Dedicated health blogger inspiring fitness journeys, sharing science-backed insights, and motivating readers to embrace wellness for a vibrant life.

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