Is Kohl’s Closing

Is Kohl’s Closing

Since the pandemic of Covid-19, the world has been going through some crisis. Everyone is in shock that what is happening to the world’s economy. It is about a country, a franchise or so but it is about all the business, all the retailer shops, all the franchises, all the brands and the entire retail industry.

Recently, the UBS analysts have claimed that there are high chances of closing some traditional retailers’ locations as the challenges are increasing with each passing day. Is Kohl’s Closing, how many Kohl’s stores are closing, and kohl’s going out of business etc. like questions are in the top trends.

What Is Kohl’s?

kohl’s is a company having long chain of 1100 retailer stores throughout 49 states and are famous for selling clothing, products of cosmetics, footwear, the daily usage products, home products and countless more.

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The specialty of the Kohl’s is that they offer some discounted prices on the products that are available at expensive prices elsewhere. They are flourished in the world on account of their good services, quality products and their discounted prices. Unfortunately, they are going to reduce some their locations due to their inclining financial crisis.

Background to Kohl’s Closing

You might be thinking that although Kohl's stores are famous for their services etc. then what forces dragged them to reduce their locations? The trend of the retailer shops as well as retail landscape is declining with each passing minute on account of the ease that is provided to the world by the online shopping while changing shopping habits.

In the high inflated era people do not want to go out of their houses and visit stores consuming their fuels and leaving their works for buying something. Those services are provided to the people by the online shopping like Amazon etc.

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These are the reasons that have made competition among the retailers, no one want to visit them physically, they just grab their devices, search the products they want to buy and get them just within hours.

These strategic business have crippled the retailer shops and have ruined their businesses, each and every day the news come to see that some of the traditional retailers are closing some of their locations.

Is Kohl’s Closing In 2023?

Yes, they are closing in 2023. Kohl’s going out of business sale and they have already taken the decision of closing some of their locations that are underperforming and where the population is less. There are also high chances of closing some more locations in the upcoming year 2024.

They actually do not want but they are compelled by the high inflation, increase in the trend of the online shopping while declining the changing retail landscape, increasing taxes etc. all these happened just after the long term closure of the markets during the pandemic of Covid-19.

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Kohl’s Post Pandemic Progress

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The answer of the question is very much related with the progress of the Kohl’s since the Pandemic of Covid-19. The store closures of the world’s market including kohl’s store closures crippled not only the lives of the masses but also ruined the world’s economy. During the Pandemic of the Covid-19 there emerged new trends in the world’s market.

Emergence of Online Retailers

The strategies like online retailers or E-learning, online business, E-commerce, take away of the food items etc. worked and helped the people who were trapped at their houses instead growing with the retail landscape of business enterprise.

After the opening of the world’s market people were used to the online facilities and did not come out for visiting the traditional retailers. Kohl’s in the year 2022 has shown their reports and announced a big loss, their sales were decreased by 5.2% as compared to that of the year 2021. In the end of the 2022 the sales were further decreased by 7.2%. The company is in debt of around $5.46 billion according to the reports of the 1st December, 2022.

Signs: That They Are In Trouble

The first and foremost sign of their financial crisis is the decrease in the sales with each passing quarter of year, so the financial crisis is the biggest sign that they are in trouble. It also answers you question that is Kohl’s closing.

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The second sign is that they are laying off their employees in each month, they have done so in the first quarter of the current year 2023, laid off 60 employees that are marketing and merchandising corporate. The reports of the Retail Dive in retail industry have also confirmed the news.

Another sign that the financial crisis is Kohl’s closing; they are always lagging behind in the bidding war, whenever they compete in purchasing something, they are a bit lagging. That’s why Kohl’s going out of business sale.

Reasons: Why Is Kohl’s struggling?

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The reasons which are somehow discussed implicitly also address the question that is Kohl’s locations are closing and Kohl’s going out of business sale; yes they are closing unfortunately some of their locations that are underperforming and did not proved to be beneficial for them.

Decline In Sales And Profits

Kohl’s in the year 2022 has shown their reports and announced a big loss, their sales were decreased by 5.2% as compared to that of the year 2021. In the end of the 2022 the sales were further decreased by 7.2%. The company is in debt of around $5.46 billion according to the reports of the 1st December, 2022.

Increasing Trends of Online Shopping

The reasons are simple and widely known, the decrease in the traditional retailers shopping or in person shopping, they increase in the trend of those who provide better services online and in-person as well. After the opening of the world’s market after the pandemic of Covid-19 people were used to the online facilities and did not come out for visiting the retailers.

Kohl’s Closing Stores High Operating Costs

Another one is that they have large spaces for they pay rents and amid the crisis they brands are pulling out their hands and they are lift with extra charges of the emptied spaces in their stores. In the first quarter of the current year 2023, they laid off 60 employees that are marketing and merchandising and inventory strategies in corporate sector.

Benefits of Closing Some Underperforming Stores

The benefits of closing the underperforming stores at the less populated location would benefit the company in the way that their extra expenses will be declined. Mostly the Kohl’s shops are big in size and different brands try their luck while collaborating with them.

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In the crisis most of the pulled their hands of their off price stores and the rent of those spaces are burden on the Kohl’s.

So the strategy of closing the stores with low performance are full of challenges and consequences but there is no option left with them, they will unfortunately do so in order to increase and their profits while declining the losses.

Number Of Kohl’s Closing Stores

It is very obvious that they would target underperforming stores at the less populated locations where the expenses are more than the revenue. It will affect the rural and suburban areas where the inflation is on peek and people are leaving the places for urban.

Is Kohl's Closing stores? The company has already closed stores around 50 in the last year 2022 and is planning to close around 100 more in the end of the 2023 or in the beginning of the 2024.

Impact Of Kohl’s Closing Stores

The closing of some locations will lower the number of employees and customers. Financials crisis will end very soon while focusing on most profitable stores.

Kohl’s Future Plans

They should expand their online shopping, E-Commerce and should revise their offerings. They must also take into consideration the opening of new small-format stores that possess not large area.


To sum up, the whole study addresses three main questions; Is Kohl's Closing, how many kohl’s stores are closing, kohl’s stores going out of business sale.

Kohl’s is a company having long chain of 1100 retailer stores throughout 49 states but unfortunately on account of their financial crisis they have already closed around 50 physical stores in the last year 2022 and are planning to close around 100 more in the end of the 2023 or in the beginning of the 2024.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Kohl's in danger of closing?

Yes, unfortunately on account of their financial crisis they have already closed around 50 stores in the last year 2022 and are planning to close around 100 more in the end of the 2023 or in the beginning of the 2024.

Is Kohl's in financial trouble?

Their sales were decreased by 5.2% as compared to that of the year 2021. In the end of the 2022 the sales were further decreased by 7.2%. The company is in debt of around $5.46 billion according to the reports of the 1st December, 2022.

Why is Kohl's not going to be a department store anymore?

The company has already announced big loss, their sales are decreased, and their losses are greater than their revenues. They are closing the underperforming department stores at the less populated location would benefit the company in the way that their extra expenses will be declined. Thus, the major department store chain is also suffering.

Who bought out Kohls?

 On account of the big loss which not only compelled them to close the less populated locations but also sold out the company to the Corporation. Now the new buyer and the owners are trying to come out of the financial crisis very soon.

Why is Kohls declining?

The digital business trends are evolving after Covid 19 scenario, which are declining sales the businesses at departmental stores and the department store closures are occurring each day including the Kohls. Otherwise, there is no other reason requiring Kohls to have decreased business than before.

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